

8월 16, 2016 - 8월 22, 2016


[1] IoT기반 선박 엔진용 구동축 편향 측정 시스템 설계 및 구현

[2] 가상화 기반 함정 전투 시스템을 위한 호스트 및 가상머신 관리 프로그램 구현

[3] A Markov Decision Process Approach to Dynamic Power Management in a Cluster System

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- summer vacation

This Week Todo's

- modify paper [2]

- virtualization project
: modify system design

Project Progress


60% Progress
Last Week's Project

summer vacation

This Week's Project

modify system design

Monthly Goals

1) write paper for domestic journal
2) make whole diagram of virtualization project

Annual Goals

1) write paper for domestic journal
2) make VM management program