

8월 22, 2016 - 8월 28, 2016


1. Analysis of MAC Protocol for High Reliability Wireless Communication System in Aircraft Wireless Networks(고신뢰성 항공기용 무선 네트워크를 위한 무선 MAC 프로토콜의 성능 비교분석)

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Analysis of MAC Protocol for High Reliability Wireless Communication System in Aircraft Wireless Networks(고신뢰성 항공기용 무선 네트워크를 위한 무선 MAC 프로토콜의 성능 비교분석)

- Selected Co- chair recommandation paper (KICS)
- Simulation for delay of UWB and IEEE802.11n
- Modify the table for compare of wireless communication tec.

This Week Todo's

1. Analysis of MAC Protocol for High Reliability Wireless Communication System in Aircraft Wireless Networks(고신뢰성 항공기용 무선 네트워크를 위한 무선 MAC 프로토콜의 성능 비교분석)

- Selected Co- chair recommandation paper (KICS)
- Simulation for delay of UWB and IEEE802.11n
- Matlab delay simulation code
- Modify the table for compare of wireless communication tec.
- WAIC paper

* Graduate ceremony on Friday

Project Progress

KTL project(Military, ICT)

45% Progress
Last Week's Project

- prepare of WIITC2016 in Gim-Cheon
- make schedule for forum
- MOU with Ministry of National Defense (19/8)
- Prepare for forum

This Week's Project

- prepare of WIITC2016 in Gim-Cheon
- WIITC call for paper (10/13)
- Prepare for forum
- make schedule for forum
- make a brochure for ICT-CRC

Monthly Goals

submit domestic paper for journal (in KICS)

Annual Goals

Study English(to get the score)