

8월 22, 2016 - 8월 28, 2016


1. Analysis of MAC Protocol for High Reliability Wireless Communication System in Aircraft Wireless Network(고신뢰성 항공기용 무선 네트워크를 위한 무선 MAC 프로토콜의 성능 비교분석)

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. for KICS journal
- Add some reference
: Medium Access Control in Ultra-Wide band Wireless Networks
Performance of Three Routing Protocols in UWB Ad hoc Network Deployed in An Industrial Application
A Review of UWB MAC Protocols
- Modify the paper

2. Search the new topic
- About detecting Algorithm to compare different algorithms using StreamLenz

This Week Todo's

1. for KICS journal
- Modify the paper continuously
- Study about Matlab for simulation

2. Search the new topic
- Search about detecting Algorithm continuously

Project Progress


40% Progress
Last Week's Project

• Last week:
_ Website maintenance control.

_ Accessing virtual machine.
_ Studying to make it work.

This Week's Project

_Work on the virtual machine task.

Monthly Goals

Understand how to Simulate the UWB environment for my research.

Annual Goals

1 international journal.
1 international conferences.