

8월 22, 2016 - 8월 28, 2016


[1] Performance Evaluation of Virtualization Scheme for Next Generation Naval Combat System Development Tool(Journal of ICROS)

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Include simulation results ofeach virtualization scheme(VMware, Xen, Hyper-V, KVM)
(CPU, Memory, Disk)
- Include description of new simulation results based on NovaBench and Passmark

This Week Todo's

- Edit whole parts fo paper.
- Include descriptions of network performance.
(netIO, NetStress, responsetime of TCP/UDP)

Project Progress

Software Log Debugging Tool

45% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Make event hnd for user handling.
(mouse click on each items of tree view)
- Set basic GUI function with team member.
(UDP, TCP, file trans, txt open and save, txt filtering)
- Make SVN server to back up and merge the source code.

This Week's Project

- Make event hnd for user handling.
(mouse click on each menu items and property window)
- Set basic GUI function with team member.
(UDP, TCP, file trans, txt open and save, txt filtering)

Monthly Goals

Finish prototype of Software Log Debugging Tool GUI version.

Annual Goals

Finish Software Log Debugging Tool project.
Set up DDS monitoring project.
Internaltional Journal about virtualization.