

9월 5, 2016 - 9월 11, 2016


[A]: Title 1: "Efficient Load Balancing for Multi-Controller in SDN-based Mission-Critical Network".

[B]: Title 2: "Survey on Multicast Routing Protocols in Software-Defined Networks".

[C]: Title 3: "Reliable and Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks".

52% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Update Part.III. Scalability.
- Add two reference papers:
1. W. Cui and C. Qian, “Scalable and load-balanced data center multicast,” in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Dec 2015, pp. 1–6.
2. L. H. Huang, H. J. Hung, C. C. Lin, and D. N. Yang, “Scalable and bandwidth-efficient multicast for software-defined networks,” in IEEE Global Communications Conference, Dec 2014, pp. 1890–1896.

- Under review process (IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering).

This Week Todo's

_ Read reference paper to update.

- Continue to update the paper.

- Wait for the result.

Project Progress

Virtualization+ Artech + Android + IoT Platfom

43% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Artech project:

_ Read the paper: "Advanced DSP Techniques Enabling High Spectral Efficiency and Flexible Transmissions" and present the slides.

2. Virtualization:

_ Research on USB passthrough in Win Server 2016.

3. Android:

_ Wait for next assignment.

4. IoT platform:

_ Pub/Sub successfully data using MQTT protocol on Intel Edison board.

_ Analyse MMS code to combine with MQTT.

This Week's Project

1. Artech project:

_ Meeting with Artech team.

2. Virtualization:

_ Continue to research on USB passthrough in Win Server 2016.

3. Android:

_ Wait for next assignment.

4. IoT platform:

_ Pub/Sub successfully data using MQTT protocol on Intel Edison board.

_ Analyse MMS code to combine with MQTT.

Monthly Goals

+ Studying programming language: Java.
+ Read reference papers to write the paper.

Annual Goals

• 2 international conferences
• 1 international journal