

9월 5, 2016 - 9월 11, 2016


Title 1: Communication-Friendly Bandwidth-Aware Routing for Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Sensor Networks.

Title 2: Optimal path selection in UWB networks for Avionic Systems.
Title 3: UWB based Maximizing Network Lifetime with Route selection Strategies.

35% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
_ Status: Under Review.

Title 2:
_Studying simulation parameters.
_Worked in simulation .
_ Building the grid network for UWB.
_ Broadcasting packets in whole network.
_Applying probabilistic broadcast and adaptive broadcast.
_Examining the difference between them.

_Preparing paper for Seminar.

This Week Todo's

Title 2:
_Updating simulation part in paper.
_Work on single hop communication.
_Examine the BER and PER.
_Preparing paper for Seminar.
_Make a presentation.

Project Progress


25% Progress
Last Week's Project

_ Website maintenance control.

_Waiting for next task.

This Week's Project

_Work on next task.

Monthly Goals

_Understand how to Simulate the UWB environment for my research.

Annual Goals

1 international journal.
1 international conferences.