

9월 12, 2016 - 9월 18, 2016


[1] Performance Evaluation of Virtualization Scheme for Next Generation Naval Combat System Development Tool(Journal of ICROS)

97% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Change some graph in performance evaluation part.

- Edit whole parts fo paper.
(grammar, context, spelling and etc...)

- find new item for new paper related with thales project(Software Log Debugging Tool)

This Week Todo's

- Edit whole parts fo paper.
(grammar, context, spelling and etc...)

- find new item for new paper related with thales project(Software Log Debugging Tool)

Project Progress

Software Log Debugging Tool

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Make GUI control class, such as treeview, docking, logviewer. (continue)

- Study the book which is chose by tales researcher. (continue)

- Make a server for managing project.

- Solve problem from library.(Between Console and MFC)

- Create agent info

- Refresh agent info

- Load agent info

- Set agent log info

- Make GUI for log filter
(Log Type, string search, date search)

This Week's Project

- Make log filter functions depend on category

- Log Type(ERROR, UNKNOWN, PROCESS, NETWORK and etc...), string search, date search

- Make GUI control class, such as treeview, docking, logviewer. (continue)

- Study the book which is chose by tales researcher. (continue)

- Make a server for managing project.

Monthly Goals

Finish prototype of Software Log Debugging Tool GUI version.

Annual Goals

Finish Software Log Debugging Tool project.

Set up DDS monitoring project.

Internaltional Journal about virtualization.