

9월 12, 2016 - 9월 18, 2016


1. Analysis of MAC Protocol for High Reliability Wireless Communication System in Aircraft Wireless Networks(고신뢰성 항공기용 무선 네트워크를 위한 무선 MAC 프로토콜의 성능 비교분석)-submission

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Analysis of MAC Protocol for High Reliability Wireless Communication System in Aircraft Wireless Networks(고신뢰성 항공기용 무선 네트워크를 위한 무선 MAC 프로토콜의 성능 비교분석)

- Selected Co- chair recommandation paper (KICS)
- Simulation for delay of UWB and IEEE802.11n
- Considering IEEE 802.15.4 for simulation
- Matlab delay simulation code
- Submission

This Week Todo's

1. Analysis of MAC Protocol for High Reliability Wireless Communication System in Aircraft Wireless Networks(고신뢰성 항공기용 무선 네트워크를 위한 무선 MAC 프로토콜의 성능 비교분석)

- Selected Co- chair recommandation paper (KICS)
- Simulation for delay of UWB and IEEE802.11n
- Considering IEEE 802.15.4 for simulation
- Matlab delay simulation code
- Submission

Project Progress

KTL project(Military, ICT)

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Prepare of WIITC2016 in Gim-Cheon
- WIITC call for paper schedule table
- Prepare for forum
- make schedule for military-ICT forum
- make a brochure for ICT-CRC
- consider about THAAD

This Week's Project

- Prepare of WIITC2016 in Gim-Cheon
- WIITC call for paper schedule table
- Prepare for forum for KERI
- make schedule for military-ICT forum
- make a brochure for ICT-CRC
- meeting with(KTL, Gimcheon) : project and WIITC

Monthly Goals

submit domestic paper for journal (in KICS)

Annual Goals

Study English(to get the score)