

9월 18, 2016 - 9월 24, 2016


[1] 비대칭 다중접속기법 기반의 전술 무선 통신 설계 및 성능분석
(Design and performance analysis of Asymmetric Time Division Multiple Access Method based Tactical Radio Communication)

85% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] 비대칭 다중접속기법 기반 전술 무선 통신망의 성능개선
(Asymmetric Time Division Multiple Access Method for Performance Enhancement of Tactical Radio Communication)
- Change current of the paper to have the logic. (continue)
- Change the format from IEIE to the format of KICS journal. (continue)
- Modify from some kind of the scheme paper to the design paper. (continue)
(English part of abstract, introduction, problems analysis of previous scheme, proposed scheme)

This Week Todo's

[1] 비대칭 다중접속기법 기반 전술 무선 통신망의 성능개선
(Asymmetric Time Division Multiple Access Method for Performance Enhancement of Tactical Radio Communication)
- Change current of the paper to have the logic. (continue)
- Change the format from IEIE to the format of KICS journal. (continue)
- Modify from some kind of the scheme paper to the design paper. (continue)
(introduction, problems analysis of previous scheme, proposed scheme)

Project Progress

DDS Debugging Tool, Logging Monitoring Tool, Competition(NSLB)

68% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] DDS Debugging Tool
- Stop for Logging Monitoring Tool.

[2] Logging Monitoring Tool
- Make GUI control class, such as treeview, docking, logviewer. (continue)
- Study the book which is chose by tales researcher. (continue)
- Make a server for managing project.

[3] Competition(NSLB)
- Design "Speech To Text(STT)" for listening sound to disabled person.
- Make a dynamic image control and apply sound api.
- Make GUI, communication(with phone) module in the gear(TDMA).

This Week's Project

[1] DDS Debugging Tool
- Stop for Logging Monitoring Tool.

[2] Logging Monitoring Tool
- Make folder searching algorithm for treeview (TreeviewManager class).
- Apply previous source code(console environment) to MFC environment.

[3] Competition(NSLB)
- Design "Speech To Text(STT)" & "Text to Speech(TTS)" for listening sound to disabled person.
- Make a dynamic image control and apply sound api.
- Make GUI, communication(with phone) module in the gear(based-on TDMA).

Monthly Goals

[1] C++ class and refactoring study
[2] Study English

Annual Goals

[1] Complete the project until this year
[2] Study English