Title 1: Optimal path selection in UWB networks for Avionic systems.
Title 2: Estimation of Channel Parameters for Saleh-Valenzuela Model Simulation (survey).
Title 1:
[1] Continuous study and work, analysis and work-in-progress report on the paper.
--By adding explanations on the Saleh-Valenzuela Channel Model which would be used.
--By adding illustrative Channel Model diagram and respective backing equations.
Title 2: Conducting a [Survey] on the top and making inferences.
--By analyzing the Channel Model and making equations for my research works.
--Starting presentation slides to properly understand the Channel Model.
Title 1:
[1] Continuous study and work, analysis and work-in-progress report on the paper.
[2] Studying MATLAB in detail in other to commence simulation.
[1] Analized example code(About CreateVM function).
[2] Conducted individual and collective inputs on the Analized example code(About CreateVM function).
[1] Keep analizing example code(About CreateVM function & Next phase)with my sub-group members.
[2] Will make a detailed study of C# programming Language needed for the project.
[3] Will have a group meeting to start code development(CreateVM function & Next phase)
[4] Will carry out required modifications to the codes and harmonize with the other team members.
[1] Studying MATLAB and all other essential working tools in detail.
[2] Studying C#
[1] Submitting one international Paper/Journal.
[2] Submitting as much domestic papers as possible.
[3] Having a detailed knowledge and use of all the working tools.