

11월 14, 2016 - 11월 20, 2016


[1] Performance Evaluation of Virtualization Scheme for Next Generation Naval Combat System Development Tool(Journal of ICROS)
[2] E&T(Event and Time) Triggered Message Scheduling Scheme for Log Analysis System(new journal)

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[2] E&T(Event and Time) Triggered Message Scheduling Scheme for Log Analysis System(new journal)
- Set up parameters and algorithm.
- Include "Fig 2.Classdiagram for Agent program of LoMIG(Log Manager and Intelligent Gatherer)"
- Requirement of LoMIG

-th message group
-th periodic message
-th sporadic message
the rank of message
priority of message
the start time of message
the earliest start time of message
time cost of message
period of message
deadline of message

This Week Todo's

[2] E&T(Event and Time) Triggered Message Scheduling Scheme for Log Analysis System(new journal)
- Requirment of LoMIG
- System Resource
- Message deadline
- OS
- Message data
- periodic and sporadic message

Project Progress

LoMIG(Log Manager and Intelligent Gatherer)

80% Progress
Last Week's Project

Test(with 100~200 agents).
Demo in Hanwha Systems.
Get additional requirements for LoMIG program functions.

1. List of development until this year
- 'Search in result' function
- Multi-filtering and Multi-download function
- Through debugging, to have degree of completion

2. Opinion from Hanhwa Systems
- Real time log analysis and gather resource information of agents.
- Usually the search log using module name, so they want to add 'module name' in filter list.
- Gathering resource information of Agents

This Week's Project

- Make 'Search in result' function.
- Make Filter Wnd for Multiple filtering function.

Monthly Goals

Finish LoMIG project for last version of this year.

Annual Goals

Finish LoMIG project for last version of this year.
Submit domestic journal paper.