

12월 11, 2016 - 12월 17, 2016


Title 1: Optimal path selection in UWB networks for Avionic systems.

Title 2: A survey on methods for broadband internet access on Trains.

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
[1] Continuous study and work on the paper.
[2] Analising the parameters and work-in-progress report on the paper.
[3] Studying MATLAB in detail in other to commence simulation.

Title 2:
[2] continous study and analysis by referring to the aforementioned journal paper.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
[1] Continuous study and work on the paper.
[2] Investigating the optimization models.
[3] making adequate reference to the survey journal.
[4] Commenced Simulation using MATLAB.
[5] observing and working hard to analyse and fix the errors.

Title 2:
[1] Will choose a suitable title and discuss that with professor.
[2] Writing the related works.
[3] Reading all the relevant references concerning the paper.

Project Progress


50% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] Awaiting the presentation of a unified GUI by the team leader.
[2] Made a simple c# project as a way of helping me get used to the c# Programming language.

This Week's Project

[1] Awaiting the presentation of a unified GUI by the team leader.
[2] Functions would now be clearly made to enable the coding of the GUI interface.
[3] Will make more C# projects as a way of testing my C# knowledge.

Monthly Goals

[1] Studying MATLAB and all other essential working tools in detail.
[2] Studying C#

Annual Goals

[1] Submitting and getting accepted to atleast one international Paper/Journal.
[2] Submitting as much domestic papers as possible.
[3] Having a detailed knowledge and use of all the working tools.