

1월 9, 2017 - 1월 15, 2017


1. Analysis of Wireless Network Technology for High Reliability Aircraft Networks(고 신뢰성 항공기 무선 네트워크 동향 및 기술 분석) - KICS

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Analysis of Wireless Network Technology for High Reliability Aircraft Networks
1. 고 신뢰성 항공기 무선 네트워크 동향 및 기술 분석
- Published on Dec. 2016

2. 항공기 내부 전파 환경을 고려한 항공기내용 무선통신망기술 성능 분석
2. Performance Evaluation of Wireless Networks Technology for Aircraft Networks considered Radio Environment of Aircraft
- For winter KICS conference.
- Made presentation material.
- Searched new code for simulation.

3. Prepared ACCN(19 Jan.)
- Select the topic.

This Week Todo's

2. 항공기 내부 전파 환경을 고려한 항공기내용 무선통신망기술 성능 분석
2. Performance Evaluation of Wireless Networks Technology for Aircraft Networks considered Radio Environment of Aircraft
- For winter KICS conference.
- Made presentation material continuously
- Simulate again.

3. Prepared ACCN(19 Jan.)
- Translate Korean to English

Project Progress


6% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Create thread.
- Make example code using thread.

This Week's Project

- Study more about thread.
- Have meeting with team members.

Monthly Goals

Submit ACCN

Annual Goals

Prepare thesis
Submit international journal