

1월 22, 2017 - 1월 28, 2017


1. 항공기 내부 전파 환경을 고려한 항공기내용 무선통신망기술 성능 분석
1. Performance Evaluation of Wireless Networks Technology for Aircraft Networks considered Radio Environment of Aircraft

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. 항공기 내부 전파 환경을 고려한 항공기내용 무선통신망기술 성능 분석
1. Performance Evaluation of Wireless Networks Technology for Aircraft Networks considered Radio Environment of Aircraft
- Made presentation material.
- Presented ( Chair asked about using Internet service in aircraft).

2. Anslysis of Wireless Network Technolngy for Wireless Avionic Intra-Communication Industrial wireless communication Technology for avionic systems
- submitted.

This Week Todo's

2. Anslysis of Wireless Network Technolngy for Wireless Avionic Intra-Communication Industrial wireless communication Technology for avionic systems
- Waiting the review.

Project Progress


8% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Study more about thread.

This Week's Project

- Study more about thread.
- Have meeting with team members.

Monthly Goals

Submit ACCN

Annual Goals

Prepare thesis
Submit international journal