

1월 30, 2017 - 2월 5, 2017


[1] Performance Evaluation of Virtualization Scheme for Next Generation Naval Combat System Development Tool(Journal of ICROS)
[2] Performance Analysis of Virtualization Scheme for Naval Combat System(ACCN)

85% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[3] Performance Analysis of Virtualization Scheme for Naval Combat System(ACCN)
- Make English version for international conference.
- Change format.
- Edit abstract and introduction part.

This Week Todo's

[3] Performance Analysis of Virtualization Scheme for Naval Combat System(ACCN)
- Submit the paper.
- Preapare and Edit for camera ready.

Project Progress

LoMIG(Log Manager and Intelligent Gatherer) & Virtualization

85% Progress
Last Week's Project

LoMIG(Log Manager and Intelligent Gatherer)
- Find bug and Debug
- Set up the schedule.
- Meeting with Hanwha Systems researchers(new project).

This Week's Project

LoMIG(Log Manager and Intelligent Gatherer)
- Find bug and Debug
- Meeting with Hanwha Systems researchers(new project).
- Draw GUI prototype for DDS monitoring tool.

Monthly Goals

Finish LoMIG project.
Finish Virtualization project GUI.
Submit international conference(ACCN).

Annual Goals

Finish LoMIG project.
Finish DDS project.
Submit domestic journal paper and international conference paper.