

2월 6, 2017 - 2월 12, 2017


Title: Rate adaptation algorithm based on RSSI in Wireless Sensor Network

Submit for journal
Conference: wireless day

Title: Marine Engine Fault Detection System using Networked Proximity Sensors

Conference: ICM 2017
Journal: IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title: Rate adaptation algorithm based on RSSI in Wireless Sensor Network

Make simulation based on IEEE 802.11n

Title: Marine Engine Fault Detection System using Networked Proximity Sensors

Waiting for Prof. Lee revision before submit for english correction service

This Week Todo's

Title: Rate adaptation algorithm based on RSSI in Wireless Sensor Network

Finih the simulation

Title: Marine Engine Fault Detection System using Networked Proximity Sensors

Submit for correction service

Project Progress

ARTech Project

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

No meeting

This Week's Project

Demonstration to upload program to arduino via raspberry pi

Monthly Goals

Submit the paper to SCI journal

Annual Goals

Get the acceptance from SCI journal