

2월 13, 2017 - 2월 19, 2017


Title 1: Optimal path selection in UWB networks: Application for Avionic systems.

Title 2: DDS Node Discovery Scheme with Dynamic Bloom Filters (Journal Paper).

Title 3: Research on ZigBee Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks based on Energy Optimization(Journal Paper Review)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
[1] Continuous update works on the paper.

[2] Fine-tuning, consultation with the Prof. regarding the expected simulation outputs and compilation of the simulation text.
(i). RMS Delay(ns) and Excess Delay(ns)
(ii). Throughput

[3] Still transcribing the paper using IEEE Latex editor.

Title 2:
[1] Continuous Studying and getting first-hand knowledge about the Journal and it's references.
[2] Making adequate reference and consultations with senior members regarding the Journal.
[3] In the process of analyzing the reviewers comments before making my inputs.

Title 3:
[1] reviews of the paper have been concluded. Below were my observations:
Although the algorithm proposed in this paper is not noble nor rare, it is however challenging and interesting as it helps to solve the excessive energy consumption and network congestion at nodes which ultimately reduces the effectiveness of the nodes.

•Too many punctuation in the abstract and introduction (especially “comma”). The author may want to have it all checked. (Page 1).
•Some readability issues and poor grammatical constructs were noticed at both the abstract, introduction and the conclusion parts. Paragraphing, missing or incomplete words, etc.
For instances:
“According to the weighing factors…” (to the) was missing in that statement. (Page 1, line 47).
“Due to calculate packet forwarding hop-counts that the next hop of node to destination node calculate to tree structure, EZTR can avoid loop response” (should be re-phrased) (Page 1 line 20).
“sends the request…” (not sents the request). (Page 3, line 34/35)
•References were listed and highlighted by the authors, but little emphasis was made by the authors to explain (in detail) the previous methods implemented in the references. Details such as the work-ability of the methods/algorithms, the strongest and weakest points were omitted.
•I am not sure about the meaning of the symbol/notation/language used by the author here:
“when the number of iterations is when k = 1, di = 0 时….” (Page 4, line 15).
•The parameter table in the simulation environment is not detailed or explicit enough to show how the author arrived at his simulation results and analysis. More emphasis should be made by the author regarding the data and parameters used. (Page 4).
•Figure 1 flowchart diagram is too tiny and somewhat unclear. It was also not substantiated(explained) by the authors. (Page 3, line 6 to 31.

Overall, the authors stated that their proposed methods and algorithm were simple, energy efficient and low computational complexity in comparison with the existing algorithms, but from all indications and after carefully going through this paper, it is apparent that this method/technique is a little bit more complex in terms of implementations. Also, I feel that the cost implication (as a factor) of embarking on this technique was totally omitted by the authors. Finally, the author should enhance the paper readability and make it clearer for audiences/readers.

D. Decision:
Weak rejection (May re-submit with substantive changes required).

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
[1] Continuous study and work on the paper.
[2] Still conducting Investigations of the optimization model outputs.
[3] Will conclude the simulation text page.
[4] Will commence the conclusion text page.

Title 2:
[1] I will attempt to contact the previous authors just to retrieve the reviewer's comments.
[2] Reading all the relevant references concerning the Journal.
[3] Will commence updates to enhance the Journal for submission.

Project Progress


50% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] Meeting was not held.
[2] Awaiting the presentation of a unified GUI by the team leaders.

This Week's Project

[1] Awaiting the presentation of a unified GUI by the team leaders.
[2] Functions would be clearly presented and analysed to enable the coding of the GUI interface.
[3] Will make more C# projects as a way of testing my C# knowledge.

Monthly Goals

[1] Studying MATLAB and all other essential working tools in detail.
[2] Studying C#.

Annual Goals

[1] Submitting and getting accepted to at-least one international conference/Journal paper.
[2] Submitting as much domestic papers as possible.
[3] Having a detailed knowledge and use of all the working tools.