

3월 13, 2017 - 3월 19, 2017


Title 1: Analyzing the Optimal Channel paths in Ultra-Wide Band networks:Applicable to Avionic Systems.

Title 2: Fast Fail-over Faulty Node and Link Congestion using Parenthood Distribution Controllers.

Title 2: DDS Node Discovery Scheme with Dynamic Bloom Filters (Journal Paper).

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
[1] Continuous study and work on the paper.
[2] Tweaking the title a bit top suite the contents of the paper.
[3] Continuous transcription of the paper using Latex

Title 2:
[1] Still analyzing the reviewers comments regarding the paper.

Title 3:
[1] Waiting to retrieve the reviewer's comments from the previous authors, but he was not able to access the internet from his own end.
[2] Reading all the relevant references concerning the Journal.
[3] Will commence work to enhance the Journal for submission as soon as i have got the reviewer's comments.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
[1] Continuous study and work on the paper.
[2] Will conclude the transcription of the paper using Latex.
[3] Will hand it over to colleagues for error checks and observations.
[3] Will discuss with the Prof. concerning the paper submission to international conferences.
[4] Will consider expansion of the paper into a journal paper but subject to Prof. Approval.

Title 2:
[1] Reading the paper and studying all the relevant references concerning the paper.
[2] Total overhauling of the paper as 80% of work needs to be done on the paper.
[3] Will commence work on the paper starting from this week.

Title 3:
[1] will retrieve the reviewer's comments and properly highlight my TO DO tasks.
[2] Reading all the relevant references concerning the Journal.
[3] Will commence work to enhance the Journal for submission as soon as i have got the reviewer's comments and completed the other conference papers.

Project Progress

Project Merci

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] New project assigned to us.
[2] Team have been created.
[3] Knowledge of Android and IOS development skills is required.

This Week's Project

[1] Meeting will be held to discuss more on the project and task.
[2] Presentation of the Project overview would be made 3/13/2017.
[3] Outline of the team according to weekly reports would be concluded.

Monthly Goals

[1] Learning and Practicing all essential simulation and Lab working tools in detail.

[2] completion of all my pending tasks as at when due.

Annual Goals

[1] Submitting and getting accepted to at-least one international conference/Journal paper.
[2] Submitting as much domestic papers as possible.
[3] Having a detailed knowledge and use of all the NSL working tools.