

4월 3, 2017 - 4월 9, 2017


Design of Wireless Control and Monitoring Using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Redefined the Paper Structure as follows titles:
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Related Works
- 3. Design
- 3.1. Black Diagram
- 3.2. Case Study
- 4. Implementation
- 4.1. Flashing XBee Devices
- 4.2. Integrating XBee with the Arduino
- 4.3. Programming PLC Device
- 4.4. Integrating LCD Device for Monitoring
- 5. Evaluation
- 5.1. Benchmarks
- 5.2. Limitations
- 6. Conclusion and Future Work

- Added some references

This Week Todo's

- finalize the Design portion of the paper
- finalize the Implementation portion of the paper

Project Progress

MERCI Project Mobile Emergency Response & Command Interface

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

- The systems have been set-up and the codes have been analyzed using the IOS operating system device.
- Analyzed the Application Interface.
- Made an Initial Sketch of how the Andriod Application will look like.

This Week's Project

- Divide IU implementation tasks between the team.
- Start Implementing the Interfaces.

Monthly Goals

- Study the Korean language.

Annual Goals

- 1 domestic conference