

4월 17, 2017 - 4월 23, 2017


Title 1: Design and Implementation of an automated long-distant self-portrait realtime camera system using WSNs
Target: ICCAS Conference in Jeju in October

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
- Read books about WSNs
- Write System Architecture section.
- Write Hardware section.
- Write Process of capturing selfie section.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
- Read books about WSNs
- Write proposed wireless sensor network section.

Project Progress

Selfie Project

45% Progress
Last Week's Project

Updated seminar report
- Discussed project plan with team members
- Implemented interface and logic for admin camera page
- Ugraded selfie app

This Week's Project

- Meet and discuss project with team members.
- Implement interface for admin role page.
- Upgrade selfie app.

Monthly Goals

- ICCAS Conference in Jeju in October

Annual Goals

- 2 SCI Journal papers