

9월 23, 2013 - 9월 29, 2013


1.Molecular Communication and Networking:Opportunities and Challenges
2.Bacteria-based communication in nanonetworks

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1.Learn the new network area:nanonetwork
2.Study the papers and learn the emerging Molecular Communication

This Week Todo's

R3E: Reliable Reactive Routing Enhancement for Wireless Sensor Networks

Project Progress


35% Progress
Last Week's Project

1.Study the source code from NIVIS, discuss with my teammates.
2.Discuss the environment of programming, Visual Studio 2010 .
3.Try some programming.

This Week's Project

1.Go on studying the source code.
2.Have meeting and discuss with my colleagues
3.Learn the basic operation of hardware

Monthly Goals

Study the new topic and start a new paper

Annual Goals

Two international conference papers and one journal paper