

4월 17, 2017 - 4월 23, 2017


1. Title: Dynamic Rate Adaptation Scheme in Industrial Wireless Network using RSSI
Conference: Submit for WFCS

2. Title: Faulty Node Detection Scheme using Interval Weighting Factor for Distributed Networked Systems
Journal: IETE Technical Review (Submitted)

3. Title: Marine Engine Fault Detection System using Networked Proximity Sensors
Journal: Hindawi - wireless communications and mobile computing

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

find 2 references from IETE Technical Review before submitting the journal

This Week Todo's

Submit the journal into IETE Technical Review

Edit the paper for the title number 3.
Checking all sentences and grammar before submitting the journal.
Change the paper format

Project Progress


40% Progress
Last Week's Project

making the UI for android version

This Week's Project

insert the function code for the Android application.

Monthly Goals

Submit the paper to SCI journal

Annual Goals

Get the acceptance from SCI journal