

9월 23, 2013 - 9월 29, 2013


[1]Enhancing VANET Performance by Joint Adaptation of Transmission Power and Contention Window Size
[2]Contention Window Allocation Scheme for V2V

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Prepare to submit the ICEIE Letter

-Prepare to present(In ATC Conf.)

This Week Todo's

-Prepare to submit the ICEIE Letter

-Prepare to present(In ATC Conf.)

Project Progress

Samsung Thales Project (MDMS)

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

Make a document about program.
Make a debug report.

This Week's Project

Make a document about program.
Make a debug report.

Monthly Goals

Annual Goals

1. y 형 젠더
2. 로봇 청소기
3. 데이터 gathering