

9월 23, 2013 - 9월 29, 2013


title 1: Distributed Power Control for Cognitive Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
title 2: Robust Distributed Power Control in Cognitive Radio Networks

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

title 1: read sections #4-6 of the paper.
title 2: found that this paper is closely related to the paper in title 1.

This Week Todo's

title 1: continue reading and deeply understanding algorithm and simulation results.
title 2: understand 2 algoritms mentioned in the paper.

Project Progress


10% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Continued learning about ISA100.11a technology standard, made some comparisons with other standards like Zigbee and WirelessHART

This Week's Project

- Read more deeply about ISA100.11a technology standard.
- Learn about how to use devices receiving from professor.
- Continue reading programming codes.

Monthly Goals

Annual Goals