

5월 8, 2017 - 5월 14, 2017


[1] Design and performance analysis of Asymmetric Time Division Multiple Access Method based Tactical Radio Communication
(비대칭 다중접속기법 기반의 전술 무선 통신 설계 및 성능분석)

[2] Design and Implementation of Naval Combat System Using Virtualization Technology

[3] Prevention and Detection System of DDS Middleware for Naval Combat System (Thesis)

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] Asymmetric Time Division Multiple Access Method for Performance Enhancement of Tactical Radio Communication
(비대칭 다중접속기법 기반 전술 무선 통신망의 성능개선)
- Wait for submission this paper to KIMST.
- Needs : wait the information.
- Finally edit the format and submit this paper.

[2] Design and Implementation of Naval Combat System Using Virtualization Technology
- Wait for journal of 2017 ACCN

[3] Prevention and Detection System of DDS Middleware for Naval Combat System (Thesis)
- Write the introduction first for journal.
- Search example source code of Gaussian Mixture Model.

This Week Todo's

[1] Asymmetric Time Division Multiple Access Method for Performance Enhancement of Tactical Radio Communication
(비대칭 다중접속기법 기반 전술 무선 통신망의 성능개선)
- Wait for submission this paper to KIMST.
- Needs : wait the information.
- Finally edit the format and submit this paper.

[2] Design and Implementation of Naval Combat System Using Virtualization Technology
- Wait for journal of 2017 ACCN

[3] Prevention and Detection System of DDS Middleware for Naval Combat System (Thesis)
- Write the requirements part as journal version.
- Search example source code of Gaussian
Mixture Model.
- Make up DDS environments.
- Write the proposed scheme part.

Project Progress

DDS Debugging Tool, Log Manager and Intelligent Gatherer(LoMIG), DDS, Competition(NSLB)

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] DDS Debugging Tool
- Make a schedule about simulator for DDS interface

[2] LoMIG
- Wait for review about the tool

[3] NUC
- Write a submission document(cont.).
- Make a schedule and study goal of appliaction.

[4] NSLB
- Give free time for middle term.

Website : Researches -> NUC (Changed my area)
- Modify, refactoring the NUC source code and make some modules.
- Update a concept of NUC project.

This Week's Project

[1] DDS Debugging Tool
- Make the DDS environment.
- Make a DDS interface for DDS simulator(cont.).

[2] LoMIG
- Wait for review about the tool

[3] NUC
- Write a convention document(cont.).

[4] NSLB
- Give free time for middle term.

Website : Researches -> NUC (Changed my area)
- Modify, refactoring the NUC source code and make some modules.
- Update structure and blockdiagram of application.

Monthly Goals

[1] Study English and listen internet lecture.
[2] Complete additional LoMIG.
[3] Make main frame of thesis.

Annual Goals

[1] Study English and get some public score.
[2] Complete DDS project.