

5월 22, 2017 - 5월 28, 2017


Enhanced SDP-DynamicBloom Filters for a DDS Node Discovery Scheme in Real-time Systems (WIP: ETFA 2017)

Title 2:
Network Latency-Aware comparative approach of the existing SDP and modified SDP-DynamicBloom filters for a DDS Node discovery scheme.(Journal Re-submission)

Title 3:
Optimal UWB Channel Paths Selection Scheme for Avionic Systems.

Title 4:
Adaptive RTS/CTS-exchange and Rate Prediction in IEEE 802.11 WLANs(IEEE Letter Review)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
[1] More Systems model diagrams and algorithms.
[3] Investigation of the algorithm.

Title 2:
[1] As directed by Prof., Conclusion of the above based on:
- "Industrial" have been removed and title changed.
- Additional references from our previous NSL works have been included.
- Conciseness of the paper to match the 4-pages is maintained.
- At-least 1-initial simulation works and results is also included.
[2]Paper was successfully submitted to ETFA 2017 (WIP) after approval from the Prof.

Title 3:
{1] Steady improvement to enhance the paper in order to submit for another upcoming conference in the aspects of:
-Suitable Paper Title.
-Changes in abstract.
-Modification in paper contents.
-Modifications in the References.
-clearness and readability issues.

Title 4:
[1] Conclusion of the above task.
My observations were:

A. Pros:
Although the algorithm proposed in this paper is not rare, it is however challenging and interesting as ARRP selects a transmission rate by predicting the SNRs of data frames to transmit, when a channel condition becomes worse and ultimately reduces both frame collisions and RTS/CTS-exchange overhead simultaneously.

B. Cons:
· “In this letter, a novel rate adaptation scheme (adaptive RTS/CTS-exchange and rate prediction: ARRP) is proposed. ARRP selects a transmission rate based on the SNR of the current data frame, but if the channel condition becomes worse, ARRP predicts the SNR of the next data frame, and a pre-emptive rate selection is performed.” How? Authors should buttress this part and make it clearer. (Page, Column-2, Line 18)
· References was not properly written. For instances,
Ref 2 should be: CARA: Collision-Aware Rate Adaptation for IEEE 802.11 WLANs
Ref 5 should be: SIRA: SNR-Aware Intra-Frame Rate Adaptation
· References were listed and highlighted by the authors, but little emphasis was made by the authors to explain (in detail) the previous methods implemented in the references. Details such as the workability of the methods/algorithms, the strongest and weakest points were omitted.
· The parameter table in the simulation environment is not detailed or explicit enough to show how the author arrived at his simulation results and analysis. More emphasis should be made by the author regarding the data and parameters used.
· More explanation is required for the graphical outputs.

C. Summary:
Overall, from all indications and after carefully going through this paper, it is apparent that this method/technique is a little bit more complex in terms of implementations. Finally, the author should enhance the paper readability and make it clearer for audiences/readers.

D. Decision:
Accepted after corrections

[1] Foundation Field-bus Technology(Learning and training on Fieldbus)

This Week Todo's

Title 2:
[1] Emphasis would be made to complete the System Model part.
[2] More Systems model diagrams and algorithms.
[3] Investigation of the algorithm.

Title 3:
[1] Conclusion of the above task.
[2] Focus on the simulation part.
[3] Will make it ready for submission to Jeju 2017.

Project Progress

Project Merci, OceanIT(Oil & Gas)

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Title 1(Project Merci)
[1] Coding and development of the user interface part have been finalized.
[2] Adding more functionalities to the UI.
[3] SQL Database for the UI will be developed.

Title 2(OceanIT)
[1] Next task would be made known to us by the Prof. Regarding the project.

This Week's Project

Title 1(Project Merci)
[1] Fine-tuning the UI and making more research analyses in terms of widening the scope of the project.
[2] Next task was declared after finalizing the UI part.

Monthly Goals

[1] Learning and Practicing all essential simulation and Laboratory working tools in detail.

[2] completion of all my pending tasks as at when due.

Annual Goals

[1] Submitting and getting accepted to at-least one international conference/Journal paper.
[2] Submitting as much domestic papers as possible.
[3] Having a detailed knowledge and use of all the NSL working tools.