

5월 22, 2017 - 5월 28, 2017


Design of Wireless Control and Monitoring Using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
ICCAS 2017 Jeju Island, Korea

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

English proofread.
- work on the Implementation portion of the paper.

This Week Todo's

finalize the system architecture portion of the paper.
- work on the design portion of the paper.
- work on the evaluation portion of the paper.
- work on the conclusion portion of the paper

Project Progress

Merci Project

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Finalized user interfaces implementation.
- designed a work plan for the app network architecture & SQLite tables & business Logic classes.
- updated implemented UI.

(Responsibility: Program Code (Android & IOS)
- updated the overview of the Crankshaft Deflection Gauge Project.

This Week's Project

- implement the business logic classes.
- implement the SQLite database.
- Implement the client/server network communication API.

Monthly Goals

Annual Goals

Read more papers that related with NSL research.
- Learn about Real-Time Systems.
- Learn NS3 Application.
- Study the Korean language.