

6월 19, 2017 - 6월 25, 2017


Title 1:
Optimal UWB Channel Paths Selection Scheme for Avionic Systems.(Conference/Journal)

Title 2:
Network Latency-Aware comparative approach of the existing SDP and modified SDP-DynamicBloom filters for a DDS Node discovery scheme.(Journal Re-submission)

Title 3:
Enhanced SDP-DynamicBloom Filters for a DDS Node Discovery Scheme in Real-time Systems (WIP: ETFA 2017)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
[1] Steady improvement to enhance the paper in order to submit for another upcoming conference and Journal
-Modification in paper contents.
-inclusion of a Diagram.
-clearness and readability issues.

Title 2:
Steady and continuous investigations of the works.

Title 3:
Conference decision: ACCEPTED for publications with minor review comments.

Following issues should be addressed to improve the quality of paper:
- Proofreading is required
- Future works should be well described, since the WIP paper present only the preliminary solutions
- The figures need to be made larger and they need to be explained;
- The filter algorithms need to be described better and pointed out the main contributions.
- It is good for the Abstract to be just a paragraph and not two paragraphs.
- Second paragraph of the introduction and the paragraph in section IV are too long. Each of them should be divided at least into two paragraphs.
- All the acronyms should follow the same format, i.e. all lower cases for their expanded words or all first word letters in capital.
- Figures and tables should be cited before they are placed in the document.
- The description of the research problem to be tackled should be improved since it is not clear when authors introduce the scalability issue.
- It would be good to have a brief paragraph describing the structure/organization of the paper just by end of the introduction section.
- Middleware is a widely accepted word in the community. So, middle-ware does not need to be written in that way.
- Citation and reference formats are not according to the IEEE standard format. They should be revised.

[1] Foundation Field-bus Technology(Learning and training on Fieldbus) [4 - 6]

This Week Todo's


Title 3:

Following issues will be addressed to improve the quality of paper:
- Proofreading.
- Unifying the style of referencing and citations to the bibliography.
- Future works will be well described.
- The filter algorithms will to be described better.
- The Abstract will be combined and made as a paragraph and not two paragraphs.
- The paragraphs in the Introduction and other parts would be well marked into smaller units.
- All the acronyms will follow the same format.
- Figures and tables will be cited before they are placed in the document.

Continuous meeting and proofreading with Prof. prior to submission

Project Progress

Project Merci

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Title 1(Project Merci)
[1] Meeting was held with Prof. Lee and team was re-organized with each person having new task.
[1] Coding and development of the user interface part have been finalized.
[2] Adding more functionalities to the UI.

This Week's Project

Title 1(Project Merci)
[1] Continuous coding work on the Network page, settings page and SQL Database.
[2] Meeting with the team and Prof. Lee.

Monthly Goals

[1] Learning and Practicing all essential simulation and Laboratory working tools in detail.

[2] Completion of all my pending tasks as at when due.

Annual Goals

[1] Submitting and getting accepted to at-least one international conference/Journal paper.
[2] Submitting as much domestic papers as possible.
[3] Having a detailed knowledge and use of all the NSL working tools.