

6월 19, 2017 - 6월 25, 2017


[1] Enhanced Renewal Access Protocol for Real-time Networks~

11% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] Enhanced Renewal Access Protocol for Real-time Networks~
- Research the EDCF, HCCA(HCF Controlled Channel Access)
: "IEEE 802.11e Contention-Based Channel Access (EDCF) Performance Evaluation"
: "Performance analysis of packet errors on IEEE 802.11-based DCF and EDCF"
: "Comparing RT-WiFi and HCCA approaches to Handle Real-Time Traffic in Open Communication Environments"

This Week Todo's

[1] Enhanced Renewal Access Protocol for Real-time Networks~
- Compare and analyze the enhanced MAC for IEEE 802.11 (EDCA: Enhanced Distributed Channel Access, HCCA: HCF Controlled Channel Access).
- Compare and analyze the scheme to enhance real time properties(transmission time, jitter etc) of MAC protocol.

Project Progress

System parameter

16% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Searched about function to manage the Window registry.
- Add function to make new sub-key.

- Researches -> Avionic Networks : Uploaded "Design and Analysis of Medium Access Protocol: Throughput and Short-Term Fairness Perspective"

This Week's Project

- Searched about function to manage the Window registry.
- Add function to make new sub-key.

- Researches -> Avionic Networks : Upload about avionic network trend.

Monthly Goals

Make sure the outline of paper

Annual Goals

Submit International conference paper and journal