

7월 17, 2017 - 7월 23, 2017


Title 1: Openflow Controller for Software-defined Real-time Ethernet.
Target conference: APSCIT Sapporo
Title 2: Delay-tolerant and QoS-aware Brokerless Pub/Sub Architecture for IoT Applications.
Target journal: IEEE TII
Title 3: Openflow Optimization Scheme on Reduced Controller Overhead for Data Center Networks.
Target journal: Computer Networks

99% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
_ Prepared for visa application.
Title 2:
_ Choosed some reference papers.
_ Read some reference
Title 3:
_ Wrote abstract and conclusion.
_ Finnished the first draft.
_ Continued debugging and testing the code.
_ Discussed more about the paper with Jun Tae Soo, Ph.D.
_ Continued to learn Floodlight.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
_ Get all the visa requirement.
_ Go to Busan on Tuesday.
_ Write the poster.
Title 2:
_ Write introduction.
_ Draw some related pics.
Title 3:
_ Fix the reference.
_ Read and learn the first draft.
_ Continue debugging and testing the code.
_ Discuss more about the paper with Jun Tae Soo, Ph.D.
_ Continue to learn Floodlight.

Project Progress

Website management

99% Progress
Last Week's Project

_ Revised industrial IoT and added undergraduate section
_ Reordered international journal

This Week's Project

_ No task

Monthly Goals

- Read more related papers to look for ideas to write new papers.
- Learn mininet, Floodlight, OpenStack, OpenPowerlink
- Learn Korean language.

Annual Goals

• 1 international SCI journal.
• 1 international conferences.