

July 31, 2017 - August 6, 2017


[1] Design of Deflection Measurement System using Smart Proximity Sensors for Ship Engine
[2] MQTT 기반의 스마트 기기를 이용한 자동화 시스템 설계 및 구현

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] Design of Deflection Measurement System using Smart Proximity Sensors for Ship Engine
- Attend a conference (APSCIT2017)

[2] MQTT 기반의 스마트 기기를 이용한 자동화 시스템 설계 및 구현
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This Week Todo's

[1] Design of Deflection Measurement System using Smart Proximity Sensors for Ship Engine
- Attend a conference (APSCIT2017)

[2] MQTT 기반의 스마트 기기를 이용한 자동화 시스템 설계 및 구현
- Find references

Project Progress

DDS Monitoring Tool

86% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] NSLB

[2] DDS Monitoring Tool
- Have a meeting with teammate

[3] etc.
- Go to the conference.
- Prepare my seminar paper

This Week's Project

[1] NSLB
- Set up a ARTIK Program in my laptop

[2] DDS Monitoring Tool
- Have a meeting with teammate
- Modify my source code (for displaying treeview)

[3] etc.
- Prepare my seminar paper

Monthly Goals

[1] Study MFC
[2] Study TOEIC.

Annual Goals

[1] Study MFC
[2] Study English