Title 1: Energy-Aware Real-time Routing for Large-Scale Industrial Internet of Things (IEEE Internet of Things Journal)
Title 2: Environment-Friendly Bandwidth-Aware Routing for Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Sensor Networks (IEEE Communication letters)
A. Title 1:
- awaiting the results from IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Status: Under Review)
B. Title 2:
- reading the review comments.
- replying to the reviewers' comments.
A. Title 1:
- awaiting the results from IIEEE Internet of Things Journal (Status: Under Review)
B. Title 2:
- reading the review comments.
- replying to the reviewers' comments.
ETRI project
- searching some products supporting LoRa
- researching about LoRa
- searching some products supporting LoRa
- researching about LoRa
• Finishing the weekly aims.
• Finishing the subject successfully in all semesters.
The articles are accepted by the 1-tier journals