

8월 7, 2017 - 8월 13, 2017


Title 1: Design and Implementation of Smart Farm Network System with LoRa and 802.11ac

22% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:

- Writing down graduation paper with this topic
- Editing the paper with ETFA reveiwer comments
- Writing down paper continuously with updated contents reviewer comments
- Fixing exact topic with Prof. Lee
- Reading "A. Prasetiadi, D.-S. Kim, "Faulty Node Detection in Distributed Systems using BCH code" for adding reference
- Selecting target journal
- Reading "On Radio-Wave Propagation in Forest Environments" for adding reference about interference by plants

This Week Todo's

Title 1:

- Drawing Fig.1 with updated version of Smart Farm System
- Applying FIg.1 to the Journa version of the paper

Project Progress

Wireless Network Application technique with Low Energy and Long distance for Complex environments

22% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Reporting Wi-Fi Ad-hoc network and point to point network implementation to ETRI researchers
- Presenting Log debuggig tool to ETRI researchers
- Classifying the C+ classes of Webserver
- Presenting Design of UI for logging tool
- Reporting Fanal version of Webserver
- Designing pole to set antennae.

This Week's Project

- Preparing report about final version of Webserver
- Conbining LoRa gateway and IEEE802.11ac AP for P2P communication
- Purchasing w145 AP(IEEE 802.11ac) to overcome NLOS environment
- Explain the topology of remote system network to ETRI reseracher
- Designing Testbed display in DB 117

Monthly Goals

Finish version 2.0 of Title 1
Finishing web programming to show data based on database

Annual Goals

Finish version 2.0 of Title 1
Finishing web programming to show data based on database