

8월 21, 2017 - 8월 27, 2017


Title 1:
Enhanced SDP-Dynamic Bloom Filters for a DDS Node Discovery Scheme in Real-time Systems (WIP: ETFA 2017)

Title 2:
Ultrawideband Sensor Network Communication for Next Generation Wireless Avionic Systems(IEEE Journal).

Title 3:
DDS Node discovery Scheme with Dynamic Bloom Filters - (Rework/Re-submission Journal)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
[1] Visa application was granted by the Cyprus Embassy in China
[2] Continuation of the PPT slides and poster presentation files meant for the conference.
[3] Contacting the ETFA organizers fr more and detailed information regarding my attendance.

Title 2:
[1] Steady improvement to enhance the paper with reference to English correction service.
[2] Investigation works on the contents, abstract, simulation works of the paper.

Title 3:
[1] Conversion from PDF to Latex and Investigations of the entire paper.
[2] Investigation of the algorithm with a possible technical rework of the paper.
[3] Worked-on the readability issues of the paper

[1] Foundation Field-bus Technology(Learning and training on Fieldbus)[10]

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
[1] Continuous and submission of the PPT slides and poster presentation files.
[2] Contacting the ETFA organizers fr more and detailed information regarding my attendance.
[3] Booking of air-flight and accommodation will be concluded.
[4] Logistics and technical preparations for the conference.

Title 2:
[1] Steady investigation and finalization of the paper.
[2] Content re-organization.
[3] will Meet with Prof. for onward submission.

Title 3:
[1] Steady and continuous investigation of the paper.
[2] Content re-organization and technical re-work.

Project Progress

Project Merci, OceanIT(Oil & Gas)

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Project Merci
[1] Integration and deployment works on-going.
[3] Meeting was held with Prof. Lee and updates report was made.

OceanIT(Oil & Gas)
[1] Slide presentation about the Oil & Gas was made by the team.
[2] Design of the servers slides by myself for the DOF Project.
[3] Harmonization will be made today and sent to Prof. Lee.

This Week's Project

[1] Continuous Integration of all the class files and deployment works.
[2] Daily/weekly report/Meeting with the team and Prof. Lee.

Monthly Goals

[1] Learning and Practicing all essential simulation and Laboratory working tools in detail.

[2] Completion of all my pending tasks as at when due.

Annual Goals

[1] Submitting and getting accepted to at-least one international conference/Journal paper.
[2] Submitting as much domestic papers as possible.
[3] Having a detailed knowledge and use of all the NSL working tools.