

9월 18, 2017 - 9월 24, 2017


1% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Read 1 research paper: Wireless Communication in Aviation
through the Internet of Things and RFID in order to identify strength and weakness for research opportunities purpose. (complete)
Prepared presentation to be delivered in future wireless network lecture (summary of paper: “CELLULAR ARCHITECTURE AND KEY TECHNOLOGIES FOR 5G WIRELESS COMMUNICATION NETWORKS"); Pending
presentation of my professional and academic background as well as my previous bachelor degree research

This Week Todo's

Prepare presentation to be delivered in future wireless network lecture (summary of paper: “CELLULAR ARCHITECTURE AND KEY TECHNOLOGIES FOR 5G WIRELESS COMMUNICATION NETWORKS")
Read Survey paper on FANET

Project Progress


2% Progress
Last Week's Project

Continue learning android programming through an emulator
Attended capstone design meeting
Study related works on androids’ apps that are used as reporting systems on wild life issues.
Case study: Fish Kill Reporting System

This Week's Project

Continue learning android programming through an emulator
Attending capstone design meeting for further instruction

Monthly Goals

Learn Korean
Research topic for paper to be published in international conference

Annual Goals

1 international conference
1 international journal