

9월 25, 2017 - 10월 1, 2017


[1] Design and Implementation of Industrial IoT Platform based on MMS
[2] Design of enhanced-MMS for IIoT environment

23% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] Design and Implementation of Industrial IoT Platform based on MMS.
- Rewrite part II (MMS, IoT protocol).
- Added the reference number 7.
- Added the figure.

[2] Design of enhanced-MMS for IIoT environment.
- Write introduction.
- Research the references about MMS service and IoT protocol.

This Week Todo's

[1] Design and Implementation of Industrial IoT Platform based on MMS.
- Rewrite part III (proposed platform).
- Add the references and figures.
- Update the figure 1.

[2] Design of enhanced-MMS for IIoT environment.
- Write introduction.
- Research the references about MMS service and IoT protocol.
- Research the references about M2M and IoT.

Project Progress

System parameter

33% Progress
Last Week's Project

[SysP : System parameter tool]
- Updated the registry communication between Agent with Watcher.
- Developed the Linux version of registry part continuously.

- Education -> Invited Seminar : Uploaded seminar which will be held on 22 Aug. 2017.

This Week's Project

[SysP : System parameter tool]
- Complete the registry communication between Agent with Watcher.
- Develop the Linux version of registry part continuously.

- Education -> Invited Seminar : Uploaded seminar which will be held on 29 Aug. 2017.

Monthly Goals

Complete the registry part in project.

Annual Goals

Submit International conference paper and journal.
Prepare the thesis.