

10월 16, 2017 - 10월 22, 2017


Title 1: A Contention Based Medium Access Protocol for UAV-WSN
Target: -
Title 2: Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocol on FANET for Multimedia Transmission
Target: IETE Technical Review

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
Continue to read a related paper.
Learned another MAC protocol such as CDMA, TDMA, CSMA/CA.

Title 2:
Collect a related paper.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
Learn Idle sense method.
Decide the simulation model for this research.

Title 2:
Write the first draft on IETE Technical review format.

Project Progress

Smart Farm Project

40% Progress
Last Week's Project

Smart Farm Project:
Revised an introduction part based on Prof.Lee suggestion.
added some related work on related work section.

Website management: No task from Alif.

This Week's Project

Smart Farm Project:
Write the abstract section.
Try to polish introduction part.

Website management: Wait for a task from Alif.

Monthly Goals

_ Read more papers that related to NSL research.
_ Learn about Real-Time Systems.
_ Learn NS3 Application.

Annual Goals

_ 1 international SCI journal.
_ 2 international conferences.