

10월 7, 2013 - 10월 13, 2013


1) Real-Time Message Scheduling for ISA100.11a Networks

2) Rate-Estimation Based Relay Selection Scheme for Large-Scale Wireless Networks.

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Change figure 1 and figure 2.
Add Initialization part to Algorithm 1 and 2.
Compare with traffic balancing routing scheme.

This Week Todo's

1) Correct following the reviewer's comments

2) Waiting for professor's advices

Project Progress

ISA 100.11a

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

Continuing making the manual.

This Week's Project

Continuing making the manual.
Download the manual of Fluke Networks Etherscope Series II

Monthly Goals

Submit to IEEE Transactions on Communications

Annual Goals

Complete 3 papers.

Complete project.