

10월 23, 2017 - 10월 29, 2017


[1]해군전투체계의 적응형 모의사격시뮬레이터 설계 및 구현
- Design and Implementation of Adaptive Fire Simulator on Naval Combat System

- I will cooperate with 오동익(Denny Oh)

[3]Migration Minimization Scheme for Virtualization-based Naval Combat System Cluster

1% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1]해군전투체계의 적응형 모의사격시뮬레이터 설계 및 구현 - submitted, reviewers are organized(domestic Journal)
[2]실시간 BCU S/W 수정 시뮬레이터, until 2017/10/16 Military M&S(domestic conference) : almost finished
[3]Design and Implementation of Adaptive Fire Simulator on Naval Combat System, Defence science(International Journal) : redrew figure

- I will cooperate with 오동익(Denny Oh)

[5]가상화 기반 함정 전투 시스템 클러스터의 Migration 최소화 기법, submitted, KIMST(domestic Journal)
[6]함정전투시스템을 위한 가상화 환경 최적화 기법(Virtualiation Envoronment Opimization Scheme for Naval Combat Systems), thesis, added section for live migraion in introsuction part

This Week Todo's

[1]해군전투체계의 적응형 모의사격시뮬레이터 설계 및 구현 - submitted, reviewers are organized, KIMST(domestic Journal)
[2]실시간 BCU S/W 수정 시뮬레이터, until 2017/10/16 Military M&S(domestic conference) : finish and sbmit
[3]Design and Implementation of Adaptive Fire Simulator on Naval Combat System, Defence science(International Journal) : redraw figure

- I will cooperate with 오동익(Denny Oh)

[5]가상화 기반 함정 전투 시스템 클러스터의 Migration 최소화 기법, submitted, KIMST(domestic Journal)
[6]함정전투시스템을 위한 가상화 환경 최적화 기법(Virtualiation Envoronment Opimization Scheme for Naval Combat Systems), thesis, keep add section for live migraion in introsuction part, write main contents

Project Progress


1% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Study about DDS (DDS RTPS OMG SPEC 2.2)
- Study about MFC
- make real-time graph display function

This Week's Project

- Study about DDS (DDS RTPS OMG SPEC 2.2)
- Study about MFC
- make real-time graph display function again
- make class view function

Monthly Goals

[1]Complete graph function on project and start making classview function
[2]Set up simulation environment for thesis

Annual Goals

[2]Finish thesis