

11월 13, 2017 - 11월 19, 2017


Title 1:
Implementation of Mobile Emergency Report Application using Mobility Sensors(IEEE Journal).

Title 2:
Ultrawideband Sensor Network Channel Models for Next Generation Wireless Avionic Systems(IEEE Aerospace)

Title 3:
Implementing Energy-efficient Sensors in Data Centers for Industrial Internet of Things (IoT-SIU 2018)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
[1] Steady improvement to enhance the paper with respect to block diagrams, system model and contents.
[2] Simulation works was completed.
[3] Works on the contents and system model are on-going.

Dear Author,
In checking in your manuscript submitted to IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems it has come to our attention that the following must be addressed before we can begin the peer review process.
1) Our plagiarism detection tool has identified overlap with a number of papers by other authors. While some of these papers are not directly cited, other similar paper by the same authors are cited. Therefore, there does not appear to be any author misconduct to take credit for the works of others. Nevertheless, the amount of verbatim copying from these papers is not proper scholarship. You must reduce that overlap by reworking those parts of the submission in your own words. The sources with high overlap are:

2) Please make the main article file single-column/double-spaced. The version you have submitted MUST be included as a supporting document as well.

Please make the correction(s) as specified above and resubmit your paper following the same steps as before.

Title 3:
[1] Awaiting decision notification from the conference body.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
[1] Steady and continuous investigation of the paper.
[2] Content re-organization and system Model writing.
[3] Inclusion of the simulated works in progress.

Title 2:
[1] Steady improvement to enhance the paper with respect to review comments.
[2] Abstract and Introduction reviews are on-going
[3] Works on the contents and system model will be next.

Title 3:
[1] Awaiting decision notification from the conference body.

Project Progress

Project W-Merci

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] Meeting was held as usual to discuss the updates.
[2] Client and server presentation slide was ready for presentation.
[3] Job specification was changed.
[4] All my previous files, video, coding and developments works and records have been sent to Prof. Lee for continuity.

This Week's Project

[1] Meeting will be held as usual to discuss the updates.
[2] Job specification have changed. I am now to focus at handling the Paper survey research writing.
[3] Progress report will be made at the next class.
[4] Next week's task will be reviewed.

Monthly Goals

[1] Learning and Practicing all essential simulation and Laboratory working tools in detail.

[2] Completion of all my pending tasks as at when due.

Annual Goals

[1] Submitting and getting accepted to at-least one international conference/Journal paper.
[2] Submitting as much domestic papers as possible.
[3] Having a detailed knowledge and use of all the NSL working tools.