

11월 13, 2017 - 11월 19, 2017


Title 1: Design of Wireless Control and Monitoring Using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
ICCAS 2017 Jeju Island, Korea

Title 2: Design and Analysis of A Traffic Flow and Link State Aware Environment-adaptive Routing Protocol for VANETs

Title 3: Mobile Emergency Response & Command Interface MERCI

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
- update the paper to journal version.
- alter the introduction and combine it with the related works.

Title 2:
- literature review.
- update the paper's introduction.
- update the paper's conclusion.

Title 3:
- write abstract and introduction.
- add figrues

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
- update the paper to journal version.

Title 2:
- literature review.
- update the paper's introduction.
- update the paper's conclusion.
- build the algorithm simulation.
- update the paper related works.

Title 3:
- write abstract and introduction.
- design and add figures

Project Progress

MERCI Project Mobile Emergency Response & Command Interface & And Next Stage MERCI for wild life

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Title 1:
- finalized the project
- resolved all bugs

Title 2:
- Literatures review
- design the proposal

This Week's Project

Title 1:
- make a presentation and demonstrate the project live.
- finalize the project

Title 2:
- Literatures review
- tasks distribution
- design the server
- design the database

Monthly Goals

- Read more papers that related to NSL research.
- Learn NS3 Application.
- Study the Korean language.

Annual Goals

- 1 international conference
- 1 international journal