

12월 11, 2017 - 12월 17, 2017


paper: Next-generation ground maneuvering camera system for large aircraft

25% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-design system architecture(high level design)
-Brainstorming about the system simulation tools and implementation
-brainstorming about the system integration in the aircraft compared to current or future avionics systems(fly by wire, fly by wireless or fly by light)

This Week Todo's

-finish the detailed system architecture

Project Progress


90% Progress
Last Week's Project

-design interfaces (crud) related to different functionalities (assessment) for wmerci.

This Week's Project

-finish design interfaces (crud) related to different functionalities (account,role,assessment,tracking devices) for wmerci.

Monthly Goals

-learn opnet
-learn Matlab
-learn Korean

Annual Goals

-publish one article in international journal
-participate in one international conference (WFCS)