

12월 11, 2017 - 12월 17, 2017


Title 1:
Implementation of Mobile Emergency Report Application using Mobility Sensors(IEEE Sensor Journal).

Title 2:
Implementing Energy-efficient Sensors in Data Centers for Industrial Internet of Things (IoT-SIU 2018).

Title 3:
Ultrawideband Sensor Network Channel Models for Next Generation Wireless Avionic Systems(IEEE Aerospace)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
[1] issues related to Block diagrams, system model and contents was thoroughly reviewed and updated.
[2] Simulation result writing on-going.

Title 2:
[1] Continuous improvement to enhance the paper with respect to review comments.
[2] Re-submission of the camera copy was not possible last week due to some other priority tasks.

Title 3:
[1] Journal paper was completed and successfully submitted.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
[1] Completion of the Block diagrams, system model and introductory part will be done by weekend.
[2] Continuous work on the Simulation result writing and conclusion will be done was.
[3] More Investigations on the contents and current works is on-going.

Title 2:
[1] Continuous improvement to enhance the paper with respect to review comments.
[2] Working hard to re-submit the camera copy this week end.

Title 3:
[1] Awaiting Review comments.

Project Progress

W-Merci Project

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] Meeting was held as usual to discuss the updates.
[2] Paper survey works in-progress.
[3] Meeting with the survey team was done.
[4] Delegation of responsibilities was concluded and reviewed.

This Week's Project

[1] Meeting will be held as usual to discuss the updates at the Capstone design session.
[2] Progress report will be made available at the next class on Wednesday.
[3] Next week's task will be reviewed and delegated to the team on Friday.

Monthly Goals

[1] Learning and Practicing all essential simulation and Laboratory working tools in detail.

[2] Completion of all my pending tasks as at when due.

Annual Goals

[1] Submitting and getting accepted to at-least one international conference/Journal paper.
[2] Submitting as much domestic papers as possible.
[3] Having a detailed knowledge and use of all the NSL working tools