

12월 18, 2017 - 12월 24, 2017


-paper1: Next generation ground maneuvering camera for large aircraft
-paper2: Flight Trajectory Planning for Replacing Failing Fixed-Wing UAV Communication Relay (as a continuation of previous work)

35% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-paper2: - Fixing bugs in the previous simulink model for future simulation works

This Week Todo's

-Paper2: -surveying previous works related to the topic
1.Throughput Maximization for UAV-Enabled Mobile Relaying Systems
2.Bi-objective data gathering path planning for vehicles with bounded curvature
3.Coordinatedtrajectoryplanningforefficient communicationrelay using multipleUAVs
- propose a system model

Project Progress


85% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Contribution to write the final technical report of WMERCI2
-Contribution to make the power point final presentation.

This Week's Project

-Contribution to make the final technical report into a journal

Monthly Goals

-Learning Korean
-Mastering matlab and simulink

Annual Goals

-participate in one international conference (WFCS)
-publish at least one journal at the end of the year