

12월 26, 2017 - 1월 1, 2018


Title 1: LoRa and IEEE 802.11ac Smart Farm Network with Fault Tolerant

Title 2: 스마트 팜을 위한 무선 복합망의 설계 및 구현: LoRa 및 IEEE 802.11ac

99% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:

- Editing with Professor Lee's Feedback

Title 2:

- re-Editing Introduction and Simulation part with Professor Lee's Feedback
- Discussing with Smart Farm Team members for Simulation results
- Submitting to KICS with Prof. Kim feedback

This Week Todo's

Title 1:

- Editing with Professor Lee's Feedback

Project Progress

Wireless Network Application technique with Low Energy and Long distance for Complex environments

99% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Making IEEE 802.11ac network with EMW APs

- Transferring information about Smart Farm Project to Hong Kue

This Week's Project

- giving back testing anttena to dasan

- Making poles for antenna

Monthly Goals

Cleaning my desk

Annual Goals

Improving English grammar with lab members