

1월 4, 2018 - 1월 10, 2018


Title 1: Design and implementation of long-range selfie camera system using WSNs (Target: ICEE journal)
Title 2: Early Traffic Light Warning System using VANET (Target: IET electronics letter)
Title 3: IoT based Mobile Emergency Response and Command Interface for Wildlife Monitoring (Target: not decided yet)

75% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
- Wait for a result.
Title 2:
- Edit paper content based on Prof's comments.
- Write an algorithm for solving interference issue at vehicle nodes.
- Start writing the simulation section.
- Discussed paper content with Dr.Tran.

Title 3:
- Combined the wildlife tracking related paper with W-MERCI paper.
- Wrote the paper.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
- Wait for a result.

Title 2:
- Edit paper content based on Prof's comments.
- Look for a suitable simulation method.
- Discuss how to do the simulation with Dr.Tran.

Title 3:
- Finalize the paper.
- Submit the paper.

Project Progress

Vibration sensor

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Follow the instruction of InnoOn engineer.
- Upload instruction video.
- Test the sensor device.

This Week's Project

- Follow the instruction of Inno-on engineer.
- Use JTAGDEBUGGER to connect the sensor device to PC.
- Update sensor firmware

Monthly Goals

- Master academic English writing

Annual Goals

- 1 Journal Paper