

10월 21, 2013 - 10월 27, 2013


1. SEAZOR: A Robust Privacy-Preserving Secure Anonymous Zone Routing in Military Wireless Ad Hoc Network
2. Privacy-Preserving Location-Based On-Demand Routing in MANETs

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Preparing to present in semina
2. Reading paper

This Week Todo's

1. Try to build simulation work using NS-2
2. Reading paper

Project Progress

Samsung Thales Project

15% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Overview about SDN (Software Defined Networking)
2. Virtual Device Contexts (VDCs)

This Week's Project

2. Find out the trend of SDNs

Monthly Goals

1. Build simulation work using NS-2

Annual Goals

1. Submit paper to WFCS