

1월 15, 2018 - 1월 21, 2018


Title1:-Next Generation Ground Maneuvering Camera for Large aircraft

Title2:-Trajectory Planning and Guidance for Continous Coverage of Fixed-Wing Monitoring UAV's

43% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title2:-Aerosonde guidance (Trajectory tracker PID contrlloler to adjust the along-track and
cross-track errors)
-continuous coverage path planning(coding with matlab or python)

This Week Todo's

Title2:-Dubin path algorithm design(details)
-Include descend and climb pattern(Flight path angle) on the Dubin path.
-continuous coverage path planning(simulating with matlab or python)

Project Progress


95% Progress
Last Week's Project

Waiting next tasks from team leader

This Week's Project

Waiting next tasks from team leader

Monthly Goals

-Mastering matlab and simulink.
-Learn Korean

Annual Goals

-participate in two international conference (Millicom and WFCS)
-publish one article in one international journal IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems or JOURNAL of COMMUNICATIONS and NETWORKS