

10월 21, 2013 - 10월 27, 2013


title 1: Robust Distributed Power Control for Cognitive radio based Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
title 2: Robust Power Control in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Distributed Way
title 3: Power Control for Cooperative Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks with Diverse QoS Constraints

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

title 1: correct the faults of the paper
title 2 and 3: read the paper

This Week Todo's

add new ideas from papers 2 and 3 to paper 1, rewrite the paper, submit the paper to international conference in Jeju.

Project Progress


15% Progress
Last Week's Project

- received development kit and read the manual of the devices (the general manual about how to connect devices, setup IP address, access monitoring control system using web browser)
- Learned how to encapsulation (CANBus – ISA100.11a) and fragmentation (ISA100.11a - CANBus).

This Week's Project

- make a simple network using the devices
- continue reading codes

Monthly Goals

- Submit paper to Jeju island's conference.
- Finish reading codes for project

Annual Goals