

1월 22, 2018 - 1월 28, 2018


Title 1: A Contention Based Adaptive Medium Access Protocol for UAV-WSN
Target: -
Title 2: Design and Implementation of Smart Farm Network with Reliability: LoRa and IEEE 802.11ac
Target: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
Title 3: Auction-based Position-Switching Algorithm for Solving Continuous Coverage Problem for Swarm of UAVs
Target: -

45% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
Wrote the performance evaluation section.

Title 2:
Wrote a conference version of this paper with different sentences.

Title 3:
finished the system model section.
Wrote the proposed system section.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
Continue to write the performance evaluation section.

Title 2:
Continue to write a conference version of this paper.

Title 3:
Continue to write the proposed system section.
Finish the introduction section.

Project Progress


100% Progress
Last Week's Project

The project already finished.

This Week's Project

Waiting a new task from the team leader.

Monthly Goals

_ Read more papers that related to NSL research.
_ Learn about Real-Time Systems.
_ Learn NS3 Application.

Annual Goals

_ 1 international SCI journal.
_ 2 international conferences.